2023 District 2 Room & Registration Forms
Due to sseratch@bcths.com by 2pm on Friday, October 13th​ 2023
Fall Leadership Competitions
Courtesy Patrol Sign-up Sheet
The purpose of the conference is to provide leadership training to students in parliamentary procedure, officer’s duties, teamwork, problem solving and social skills. The conference aims to encourage district unity and school spirit. It is a time for the sharing of ideas between students and advisors from different schools.
The conference is open to all CTSO members who meet the District Two and school policy guidelines.
The conference is held 3 days in November.
The location of the conference is determined by the SkillsUSA Pennsylvania - District 2 Board. Evaluations for the previous year’s conference will be considered.
Planning the conference is the responsibility of the SkillsUSA Pennsylvania - District 2 Board.
The registration fee will cover the cost of the conference. Individual schools are responsible for their student’s registration fees and conference costs.
The host Director is responsible to invite other SkillsUSA Pennsylvania - District 2 Directors and their guests to the banquet. The host Director will be the speaker at the banquet.
Eastern region State board members should take an active role in workshops, finding keynote speakers and making suggestions for activities.
A new award was created beginning the 2008 CTSO Fall Leadership Conference. It is the Outstanding Student Award. Each District 2 school can submit one student to receive the overall Outstanding Student at the CTSO Fall Leadership Conference. The Criteria sheet explaining the objective, requirements, selection process and the awards is in the appendix of District 2 Board Policy. The following gift cards are given to the students:
SkillsUSA State Officers - (for their assistance in the selection process)
Individual School’s Outstanding Student - (for being recommended)
Overall Outstanding Student - (For being recognized as the winner.)
The monetary amounts will be determined by the District 2 Board prior to the CTSO Fall Leadership Conference