District Competitions are meant to be a scaled down version of National Competition. It is important for the students to participate in a competition that will reflect a cross-section of the industry skills needed to prepare them for the state and national levels.
2025 D2 Registration Form​​​​​​​
2025 D2 Intent to Compete Form
Due to at District 2 Board Meeting on October 18th​ 2024
Career Pathways: Business, Management & Technology
Career Pathways: Agriculture/Food/Natural Resources
Internetworking- (UPDATED 1/7)
Technical Computer Applications (UPDATED 1/24)
SkillsUSA Pennsylvania - District 2 competitions will abide by the state and national competition guidelines.
SkillsUSA Pennsylvania - District 2 offers competitive activities in which students strive to achieve in a variety of job skill and leadership areas. Competitions begin at the district level and continue through state and national levels. Competitions develop an enthusiasm for learning and a sense of accomplishment.
It is recommended that SkillsUSA Pennsylvania - District 2 competitions be held in February (or earlier due to the scheduling of the State Competition). The host school should establish a date and two snow dates. The dates are to be announced by the May board meeting.
In the event of a forecast of inclement weather, a decision of cancellation will be made by the Director of Record and conveyed to the SkillsUSA Pennsylvania – District 2 board by noon of the prior day. Cancellations after that time will be determined by the Director of Record and the snow chain will be implemented.
A registration fee is to be charged by the district and this fee covers all expenses within the approved operating budget. The following are examples of allowable expenses:
a. Lunches for the competitors, advisors, guests, judges and observers
b. Gold, silver and bronze medals and Judges ribbons
c. 1 plaque for the host school (to be awarded to the Director of Record after the 2nd year of hosting the competition) and any gifts for judges provided they use the District 2 name not the school name.
d. Names tags, registration lists, and labels
e. Replacement of any items that get passed from school to school for competitions. (Example – Roberts Rules of Order, Dictionary, Book of Quotes, calculators, stop watches, buzzer set for Quiz bowl, etc.
f. Certificates for the Judges and the participants
g. Printing expenses
h. Entertainment expenses
i. Mailing expenses
j. Supplies (Example: wood, bricks, building materials, etc.)
Only existing equipment is to be used. No new equipment should be purchased just for the purpose of hosting the competition.
Each SkillsUSA Pennsylvania - District 2 school can send one competitor or one team in each competition.
Only one team may be entered per school for the Team Works Competition. The host/or off site school of this competition will receive the entire registration fee collected to defray the cost of the competition.
In selecting judges, it is required that all judges be a minimum of 21 years old and a minimum graduation of 3 years prior to the competitive event they are judging.
The host school may request other District 2 Schools to conduct competitions they are unable to accommodate. The off-site school may bill District 2 for such expenses as listed above. Costs for off-site competitions are to be included in the calculations for total budget for District 2 competitions.
Only SkillsUSA members can compete at the Districts.
All District 2 schools must complete and submit their membership by December 1.
All District 2 schools are to submit their competitor names and advisor names (or number of advisors) prior to the December District 2 meeting break so that the host school can process all the consumable orders for the competitions. The names of the competitors can change up to and including the day of the competition. The District 2 School submitting those names will be responsible for paying for all of the competitor names and advisors that were submitted at this time- regardless of the number of students that actually attend the competition or activity.
All Post-Secondary competitors are exempt from competing at the District level per PA SkillsUSA guidelines. Since Post-Secondary students do not have to compete at the District competition this will be viewed as a practice or preparation for those students. The only exception being if there are two students in the same competition they must compete to send only one post-secondary for a particular competition.
All Post- Secondary competitors and Secondary competitors that are byes to the State competition must have their names submitted to the Host school with all of the competitor names prior to the District competition.
In the event a school chooses to challenge the outcome of a competition the following applies:
a. Contest challenge must be electronically communicated to the Director of Record within 24 hours of the Awards Ceremony.
b. Contest challenge may only be initiated by the District 2 Board Member and/or technical chairperson and must have the support of the Director of Record.
c. Contest challenges may only be for the following reasons:
i. Calculation error resulting in incorrect total scores
ii. Awards were incorrectly announced
iii. Score was incorrectly placed on the scorecard by a judge
d. Contest challenges will not be considered for any reasons other than those above.
e. The District 2 winner that moves on to State Competition is the student or team with the highest score.
If the first place winner cannot attend the State Conference, it is the duty of that school to contact the Host School to contact the second place winner to represent our District at the State level.
The school schedule for hosting the district competitions has been approved by the D2 directors. It is as follows:
2022-2023 Delaware County Technical School Folcroft/Aston
2024-2025 Western Montgomery Career & Tech Center
2026-2027 Bucks County Technical High School
2028-2029 Central Montco Technical High School
2030-2031 Eastern Center for Arts and Technology
2032-2033 Middle Bucks Institute of Technology
2034-2035 North Montco Technical Career Center